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Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors

Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors
Hyundai secateurs + flower scissors


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  • Beskrivelse

Hyundai Pruning Shears Set

Heavy pruning or regular maintenance of your flowers and plants? The most beautiful garden starts with the right tools. With this Hyundai pruning shears set you provide yourself with a high-quality and suitable tool for pruning shrubs, plants and flowers in one fell swoop. With the secateurs you can easily prune coarse branches, both young and old. And then there's the floral scissors. With this, for example, you can easily maintain and cut a rose bush. The precision-ground cutting blades make gardening easy and efficient from now on. As you are used to from Hyundai, the modern blue and black design is an asset to the garden.

Pruning shears specifications:

  • Suitable for young and old branches, plants and shrubs
  • Maximum cutting diameter: 10 mm
  • Maximum cutting angle: 45 degrees
  • Cutting blade of precision ground carbon steel with titanium coating
  • Lightweight: only 150 grams (!)
  • Ergonomically designed with comfortable handle
  • Includes safety lock
  • Length: 20 cm
  • 2 year warranty

Specifications flower scissors:

  • Suitable for young and old flowers and plants
  • Maximum cutting diameter: 6 mm
  • Maximum cutting angle: 45 degrees
  • Cutting blade made of precision ground steel with titanium coating
  • Lightweight: only 150 grams (!)
  • Ergonomically designed with comfortable handle
  • Includes safety lock
  • Length: 20 cm
  • 2 year warranty

Artikkel nummer: 17536-E

Merk: Importskatter og avgifter må fortsatt betales for forsendelser til Norge, Sveits og Storbritannia

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